Lee Sang Soon expresses anticipation for Grammy Awards hosting debut

Lee Sang Soon made his debut as a host at the 67th Grammy Awards aired live on Mnet and TVING on February 3rd, and his enthusiasm shone through as he shared his thoughts on the exciting task ahead. "I'm thrilled and eager for this opportunity. While my knowledge of current pop music may be limited, I will rely on my co-host to enhance the show's entertainment value. It's a privilege to be a part of it," Lee Sang Soon expressed eagerly.

Renowned music critic Kim Young Dae also chimed in, expressing his anticipation for Lee Sang Soon's hosting debut. "I have always admired Lee Sang Soon's work, so I am looking forward to seeing his hosting skills in action. The chemistry between us is something I am intrigued by. Given that many viewers will be introduced to foreign artists for the first time, I aim to assist them in navigating the experience," Kim Young Dae shared. Lightening the mood with a touch of humor, Lee Sang Soon quipped, "There's so much I have yet to learn, be prepared for many questions from me."

In a different role, Shin A Young, the talented interpreter, remarked, "Last year, I leaned heavily on critic Kim Young Dae's insights, and this year will be no different. The Grammy Awards are known for their unexpected surprises and excitement, which I aim to convey vividly with the latest updates from the event scene." Amidst all the anticipation and preparation, the stage is set for a remarkable Grammy Awards experience.

Also, don't miss the news on the passing of veteran actress Lee Joo Shil at the age of 81.

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