The parents of the talented NewJeans stars - Minji, Hanni, Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein - have taken to social media to address the ongoing conflict with HYBE and ADOR. Their message, posted on the Instagram account @jeanz_pr, highlights the challenges they faced in communicating their side of the story accurately amidst media distortions and misleading headlines.
Explaining the necessity behind the creation of this account, the parents revealed their struggles in finding a reliable platform to express their stance. Despite efforts to connect with media outlets and journalists, they found that many misrepresented their words or failed to report their statements faithfully.
In their own words, "This account has been temporarily created out of necessity to represent our stance in the dispute with HYBE. As there has been no official channel to convey our position, we have made numerous attempts to communicate the facts through direct interviews with various media outlets or by reaching out to journalists we have come to know."
The NewJeans' parents emphasized their commitment to setting the record straight and addressing issues that the members themselves cannot easily tackle. They expressed the need for understanding and support as they navigate this challenging situation and work towards ensuring their voices are heard accurately.
Stay tuned for updates on this developing story as the parents of Minji, Hanni, Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein continue to share their perspective through this dedicated social media account. The world is watching as this dispute unfolds, shedding light on the complexities of the entertainment industry. #NewJeans #HYBE #ADOR #ParentalPerspective