G-Dragon announces exit from ‘Good Day’ and hints at upcoming music

G-Dragon bids farewell to 'Good Day' as he embarks on his musical journey.

During the recent MBC broadcast of 'Good Day', G-Dragon's unwavering commitment to his music project stole the spotlight.

Reuniting with Jung Hyung Don and Defconn after a two-month hiatus, G-Dragon surprised Jung Hyung Don with a warm hug and commendations on his stunning transformation. Reflecting on the encounter, G-Dragon shared, "Meeting old friends feels like a precious gift. I had envisioned a grand song but realized I needed to broaden my perspective after gaining inspiration from our meeting. I scrapped my initial list to redefine the path of our group song."

In a sudden announcement, G-Dragon revealed his departure, citing a sense of unconsidered pressure. Attending Taeyang’s solo concert, G-Dragon joined forces with Taeyang and Daesung for an electrifying Big Bang concert set, exclaiming, "You are my inspiration, and I've been eagerly waiting for this moment."

As the trio brainstormed ideas, G-Dragon lauded their collaborative energy, emphasizing the power of their teamwork in music creation.

From memorable encounters to musical musings, G-Dragon's departure from 'Good Day' signals the beginning of an exciting chapter in his music career.

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