Yescoin, a tap-to-earn game on Telegram, is currently in the spotlight as reports circulate regarding the arrest of its founder by Shanghai law enforcement. Despite delays in launching its token and facing cyberattacks, the community's patience is wearing thin.
In a brief update, Yescoin reassured users of its continued operations, while withholding specific details about the founder's arrest and the ensuing legal issues. With hopes pinned on a token launch set for March 31, uncertainty looms over the project's future.
The news of Yescoin's founder, known as Zoroo, being apprehended in Hangzhou by Shanghai authorities has shaken the platform, which has gained popularity since its debut last year. The project, which boasts millions of followers on X and Telegram, is now entangled in legal turmoil stemming from a dispute with a business partner.
The lack of transparency surrounding the arrest has left the community in the dark, sparking skepticism and concern among users. Speculations range from questioning the authenticity of the arrest to fearing continued delays in the token launch.
With the project's credibility on the line, the Yescoin saga continues to unfold, underscoring the uncertainty and challenges that lie ahead. Stay tuned as the community awaits further developments in this unfolding drama.