tvN's 'Amazing Saturday' welcomed Kang Tae-oh to showcase his variety show talents. On the recent episode aired on the 1st, Kang Tae-oh and Lee Seon-bin from tvN's new weekend drama 'Potato Research Institute' made appearances.
During his fifth appearance on 'Amazing Saturday,' Lee Seon-bin expressed regret for not getting recognition for creating the term '꼴듣찬' following the hit '단독 다듣찬.' However, MC Boom assured her that he would take care of showcasing her '꼴듣찬,' to which she responded with mixed feelings but gratitude.
As a first-time guest, Kang Tae-oh stumbled over his words, saying it was his "first amazing Saturday" and expressed his intentions to create enjoyable memories despite feeling nervous initially. The other members warmly welcomed him, causing him to blush, with Park Na-rae teasing him while Boom lightened the atmosphere by mentioning Kang Tae-oh's recent completion of military service.
Introducing himself as 소백호 from 'Potato Research Institute,' Kang Tae-oh was teased by the members but managed to bring laughter by singing a snippet of a song upon their request. Kang Tae-oh shared that he was already feeling anxious before appearing on the show based on the advice he received from senior cast member Lee Seon-bin regarding the nature of the program and the potential dance challenges.
Despite Kang Tae-oh's self-proclaimed lack of dancing skills, the members playfully challenged him with various tasks and questions, ultimately putting him at ease and allowing him to showcase a quirky dance routine to surprise everyone.
During the game segments, Kang Tae-oh impressed with his humor and spontaneity, gaining laughs from both the cast and the audience. His energetic and engaging presence made for an entertaining episode, leaving viewers excited for his future appearances on the show.