K-content reigns supreme as the top choice for Netflix's non-English content category for the second consecutive year.
On February 27, Netflix unveiled its latest viewership report, highlighting the beloved content that captivated audiences worldwide in the latter half of 2024. Once again, K-content clinched the top spot in non-English content viewership for the 2023-2024 period.
The viewership report delves into the watching habits of Netflix members, presenting data on viewing duration and the number of views for all shows and licenses that garnered at least 50,000 hours of watch time in a six-month span. The method of calculating total viewing time divided by total runtime, rounded to the nearest 100,000 units, was utilized.
Non-English content has delivered an impressive showing, with productions hailing from Korea, Japan, France, Colombia, and Brazil collectively amassing a third of the total views. Netflix's emphasis on empowering local talents in diverse regions has proven to be a winning strategy.
During the latter part of the previous year, Netflix's total viewing time soared to 94 billion hours, marking a 5% uptick from the year before. K-content, spanning series, movies, and variety shows, shone brightly across various genres.
The second season of 'Squid Game,' starring the acclaimed Lee Jung Jae, left a remarkable impact. Despite debuting just six days before the year concluded, it racked up an impressive 87 million views, cementing its status as the most-watched series of the latter half of the year.
In the realm of cinema, 'Officer Black Belt' (40 million), 'Uprising' (24 million), and 'Mission: Cross' (23 million) drew in substantial audiences. Dramas like 'Love Next Door' (20 million) and 'Culinary Class War' (17 million) also garnered immense love.
Netflix expressed, "K-content's back-to-back dominance in non-English content viewership is a testament to its enduring appeal. We are committed to exploring new genres and themes, collaborating with diverse partners to extend our global reach."
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