Key from SHINee Recognizes His Father’s Presence for the First Time

On the morning of the 12th, a pre-release video was posted on the You Quiz on the Block YouTube channel before the main broadcast later that day.

In the video, Key opened up about his early struggles in the group, expressing how he felt like he lacked presence despite the group's success.

Key's mother will make an appearance on the show as well. Key shared that he had undergone two heart surgeries during a critical time, while his mother mentioned that he was on the verge of life and death, sparking curiosity about their upcoming conversation on the show.

During the interview, Jo Se-ho inquired about Key's relationship with his father, to which Key confirmed that his father is very much present in his life. Key also shared a heartwarming text exchange with his father.

In the text message, Key's father encouraged him, expressing his belief that Key's popularity would soar if he appeared on the show with his mother, especially during such a time. The full message from Key's father, which was only partially revealed in the preview, will be unveiled during the main broadcast.

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