NJZ and ADOR state their arguments during the initial court hearing for the injunction request

Representatives of the entertainment label ADOR and the girl group NewJeans (NJZ) recently attended a court hearing at the Seoul Central District Court. The hearing pertained to an injunction request filed by ADOR in January seeking to verify its role as the management label of NJZ and prevent the members from entering independent advertisement contracts.

During the hearing, both sides presented their arguments. ADOR's representatives highlighted the contributions of their team in nurturing NJZ, mentioning investments from HYBE Labels and the group's debut promotions. They emphasized the support provided to NJZ and their strategic association with HYBE Labels.

On the other hand, NJZ's representatives disputed the exclusive contracts, alleging mistreatment and discrimination from HYBE Labels. They cited instances of biased media coverage, conflicts with other artists, and plagiarism controversies involving the group. NJZ claimed they faced obstacles even before their debut, with promises broken and opportunities lost to other artists under HYBE Labels.

The court hearing shed light on the complex dynamics between ADOR, NJZ, and HYBE Labels, raising questions about fairness, contractual obligations, and artistic autonomy. As the legal battle unfolds, the future of NJZ and their relationship with their management label remains uncertain.

Stay tuned for updates on this evolving story as the entertainment industry faces yet another controversy. Remember, truth can be stranger than fiction in the world of K-pop.

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